About Me

I’ve spent over 25 years working in healthcare including 3 years as U.S. Paratrooper Medic, 6 years as a combat field medicine instructor, and 15 years in clinical practice helping people overcome chronic pain, opioid addiction and trauma.

In 2018 after an intensive career in public health, I started feeling the effects of long-term burnout! The combination of my family responsibilities, a very dynamic and demanding career, managing multiple businesses, and not paying attention to my own health left me feeling tired, uninspired, overweight, and older than my age.

After talking with other men, I realized many of us were in the same boat, and that something needed to change. After a lot of resistance and false starts I started applying everything I knew about health to my own life so I could prevent a midlife catastrophe that was sure to come.

I went on a deep quest to fill in the knowledge gaps by learning from some of the most well respected people in the fields of health, psychology, performance, longevity, and blood chemistry analysis.

I have since helped hundreds of guys to rebuild their health, optimize their performance, and support their longevity through my:

1) free educational content

2) health analysis services

3) personalized 1 : 1 coaching programs.

I believe in a no BS, data-first approach to understanding the health and performance needs of my clients.

I also strongly believe in giving my clients all the support they need to achieve their best health and keep it for as long as possible.

My Education and Credentials Include:

  • B.S. Nutritional Biochemistry - University of Nevada, Reno

  • M.S. Traditional Oriental Medicine (MSTOM)- Pacific College of Health Sciences

  • Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Internship - University of California San Diego

  • Neuroscience-Based Pain Rehabilitation Specialist

  • Functional Medicine Clinical Practitioner (IFMCP)- Institute For Functional Medicine

  • Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis - Optimal Dx Academy

  • Neuroscience-Based High Performance Coaching - Flow Research Collective

  • Certified Sports and Fitness Trainer - International Sports Science Association and National Academy of Sports Medicine

“Joshua is thoughtful, caring, compassionate and empathetic. He's very knowledgeable about health, wellness and performance. He has a unique gift for listening closely and grasping what his clients are both saying and needing, which he uses to craft targeted, meaningful, and responsive health and wellness plans.”

— Dr. Thom Reilly, Professor and Author of The Independent Voter